King’s Keep
I was initially brought on by the editor, Noah Sharma, to do prepress to adjust dark colors for print and then was additionally hired to layout the comic book pages, create graphics such as sword-themed end-paper, and layout the credit and biography pages.
The style direction was minimal but elegant. Through some savviness and help from Photoshop, I corrected the page size and added the necessary bleed for print. I also handled the final output, matching the color profile and specs for the PDF to be sent to the printer, and created a reader-friendly PDF file for the successful Kickstarter campaign.
Story by Sky Fletcher | Art by Miyako Molinelli | Lettering by Joamette Gil
Edited by Noah Sharma | Logo by Winston Gambro | Book Design by Elizabeth Kramer
Comic Flatting Guide
Researched and designed for the ReVision Studios creative team as we planned to flat pages for color.
Created by own template, master page, and quick styles for this guide.
Making of a Comic Page
Released as a sign-up bonus for my newsletter on my newly redesigned webcomic website.
Written as a short tips and a tutorial guide for anyone interested in making a comic.
Comic Previews
In preparation for networking at conventions, I collected my personal work into previews. During this process, I learned about choosing and working with a printer, binding types, and how to build and assemble a staple-bound book.
Style Guides
While I was on the Special Presentation and Lifestyle team, I was assigned publications that required an eye for detail to meet a strict style and layout. In my absence I did not want my team to be lost when they picked up these publications, so I created style guides for easy reference.